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Friday, January 12, 2007

Crystal's QOV Quilt Arrived

Such excitement! Crystal's quilt arrived in the mail this morning. It is absolutely gorgeous! Vicki had it wrapped so well but I had to open it and look. I didn't unfold it completely because I was afraid I'd never get it refolded so neatly but I did photograph it in the box to share with you all. Look at the great label that Vicki made and attached. It gives all the pertinent info.

My husband thinks I should set up a presentation ceremony with a photographer from the local weekly paper to take a photo . I do think the community needs to know that we have a heroic wounded woman warrior in our midst. I'll talk to her Mom and see what she thinks of that idea, and if she approves, she can help me set up a time.

This is one of the quilts that is being done for the 40 Quilts Service Project of Quilt Studio. You can see the whole quilt in Vicki's blog.


Rian said...

Woohoo! How excting! Thanks for letting us have a peek, too. It's a beautiful quilt, I love the pattern and fabrics.

I agree with Joe that a presentation of sorts is in order.

Thank you for contributing to my shawl. I appreciate your care and prayer.

allie aller said...

This gives me chills it is such a beautiful event...may Crystal find love and strength and friendship in this quilt!

Jules said...

Like Allison, this gives me chills. And makes me cry. Please give the soldier a hug for me and a thank you.

Deb Hardman said...

I think your hubby is absolutly right! Get the paper there & do a nice presentation. So glad you're doing this for her.