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Saturday, June 30, 2007

What a Gorgeous Evening

Sunset behind Fremont Peak, North of Florence, on way to Canon City.

Here are photos I took this evening of the sunset and then the brilliant full moon. What a way to end June and get ready for the second half of this year (which is racing by so fast I can barely see it before it is gone.)

Full moon over prairie north of Florence on way back from Canon City. That tiny white spot on the left side is a light on the horizon. I could still see the dim prairie but my camera could not pick it up.

[I wish Blogspot had WISIWIG for our creation of our blogs. Sometimes I am horribly surprised about how it shows up on the blog once it is posted, and have to quickly go back and edit it with fingers crossed! Are you listening out there? Please!!!]


Rian said...

I was thinking the same thing last night in the full moon. That the year is half over and I have barely gotten started on the things I want to accomplish this year.

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous indeed! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Juryizstillout said...

Very beautiful!

Samantha said...


Micki said...

Beautiful sunset, Fran.
Thanks for the lovely comments on my TAST samples. I am still unable to email you, (they keep coming back).

take care

Deborah M. said...

Beautiful sunsets. Is it July already? I agree about Blogger -- you have more control if you edit the HTML but you're right: what you see is sometimes a big surprise and can be very frustrating!