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Friday, February 16, 2007

Final New Testament WOTB Block

My internet connection and I have been quite slow this week. Blogger refused to post my new 365 Photos or WIP Wednesday photos Tuesday evening and I didn't feel like struggling with it anymore so closed my computer and went to bed. I'm still dragging but Joe came home from talking to the Bresnan Cable people and we are evidently going to get a high speed connection. Hooray! It got to where I felt like it took me so much time to upload and download stuff that I couldn't get anything else done. Hopefully I can now be more productive and less frustrated.

I managed to finish the Priscilla Block. Priscilla was a tent maker who, with her husband Aquila, was a friend and colleague of Paul on his missionary journeys.

I can't say that I have mastered set in seams but this is the best I've done so far. For Priscilla I chose the red to represent her courage in helping save Paul's life; the green is because she was a practical business woman; the brown symbolizes that she was an earthy, centered woman helping her husband make tents from goat hair and leather; and the gold always represents God's presence in her life. Luckily, after I chose those colors I looked in my box and there was the perfect fabric with red, green and brown all mottled together. The light gray with the gold flecks represents the goat hair mixed with the symbol for God and makes a good foil for the darker fabric. Even if a person's trade is making tents, it can be done as unto the Lord.

The story of Priscilla is found in Acts 18 and 19.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

A "funny" thing happened to me on my way to buy peanut butter. I tried earlier this week to buy some low fat Peter Pan Peanut Butter at my local WalMart and they were out. When Joe went shopping he tried to find some for me, but they still hadn't stocked it. When I looked yesterday the peanut butter shelves were almost empty. What was going on? I then went to another grocery store in town and found their peanut butter shelves also almost empty, but they had a sign up saying that Peter Pan Peanut Butter had been recalled due to a Salmonella outbreak.

When I got home, I found the news story online which gave the stock number for the suspected batches of peanut butter. I checked my jars of regular crunchy, for Joe, and low fat creamy, for me; both were nearly empty and sure enough, both were in the suspected batch.

Now I often have a little of this peanut butter on whole wheat crackers for with salad, a couple of times a week for lunch. (A small amount of nuts are an important ingredient in my healthy eating plan) In mid October I had a spell where I became violently ill at Bible Study and Joe had to rescue me and take me to the emergency room at the local hospital. There was a lot of GI flu going around, so they didn't do any testing, just gave me medication to settle my stomach and sent me home to sleep. I've been struggling with inexplicable GI problems since, to the extent that I became quite weak and shaky. In January I was sent to take multiple tests, etc. and was found to have extremely high potassium levels, which were a concern, but no reason could be found for the GI problems.

Last Friday, I once again had a severe bout of GI "flu" which has fluctuated all week. Now I wonder if the "flu" I had in October was really Salmonella which has kept my GI tract messed up since. Needless to say, I bought another brand of low fat peanut butter and WalMart told Joe to bring back the recalled jars for a complete refund. I hope my tummy will now settle down and let me feel human again.


Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

Your block is wonderful. It is very good that you have found the reason for your recent illnesses. What a shock!

Kay said...

I bet the symptoms you had were the salmonella. There's no such thing is GI "flu", or so they say. Hope you feel better and stay away from Peter Pan. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm sure it was the peanut butter. My mother had one of the offending jars too, but said she'd not had a problem. Lucky her; unlucky you. It must be a relief to know that's probably what it is.

Beautiful block--as usual. Ho hum...

Sandra said...

Priscilla looks great in green, gold, and reds. Hope getting rid of the offending peanut butter cures what ails you!

Rian said...

Goodness gracious! Salmonella certainly sounds like the culprit. Well, good that you found out, anyway.

Did you say this was the final WOTB block??? Oh no, what will we do!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing your last WOBQ block! I'm just restarting with the February group. What are your plans for laying out the blocks and borders? :o)

laura west kong said...

You're right, it's the perfect fabric. I can't wait to see the finished quilt!

Hope you're feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

Love your Priscilla block. Hope you feel better. Hurray for high-speed internet. We just got it a couple of months ago. It makes all the difference.

Anonymous said...

Your WOTB Block is lovely. It's a lovely idea for a quilt block/bible study. I'm not familiar with the patterns, would you be able to let me know where to find them? knitsalot"AT"

I've linked to your blog, hope you don't mind!

McIrish Annie said...

Fran, I checked my PB and found it was from that lot also. Luckily it was unopened. SEWWW sorry to hear about your distress but it sounds like the PB was the villain.

Jen said...

Another beautiful block Fran!

So sorry you have been sick, it sounds like it was a little rugged for you. At least now you know the reason. Feel better soon, and have fun using that new internet connection! Jen