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Friday, March 30, 2007

Nature's Nightmare

Photo from the Pueblo Chieftain

Please pray for the people of Holly, Colorado who were devastated by a tornado on Wednesday night. Holly is near the Kansas border, just about 130 miles down Highway 50 and the Arkansas River from us. I know the community well.

We had terrible winds that day, but couldn't believe the news that a tornado had done so much damage to our neighbors. These people had come through the damaging blizzards this winter and now have to overcome this tragedy. But you have to be tough to live on the plains of eastern Colorado and they immediately started comforting each other and cleaning up the mess. Emergency volunteers from Kansas and Colorado showed up to help them and the Governor flew down to give them his support. This small agricultural community is the home of former Governor Roy Romer.

News coverage of the tornado is available from The Pueblo Chieftain online . The same storm spawned 65 tornados through Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska, and caused 4 deaths in addition to blizzards in Wyoming.


Anonymous said...

We heard about the Colorado tornadoes. We are no strangers to tornadoes here in Alabama and have already had some deadly ones this spring. My heart goes out to the people of Colorado and I'll keep them in my prayers.

Meredith said...

I will pray for them. I am glad you posted about the people coming together as a community and helping each other.