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Friday, August 3, 2007

Dog Day Musings

It seems to me that July came and went without me. Somehow, having an unexpected emergency trip to the hospital and then a 69th birthday on July 31, plus hearing that a loved cousin, who is about 10 years younger than me, has cancer throughout his body, has me doing some deep musing, and since I don't have much energy to garden or quilt, I have lots of time to muse.

For years I've had the word "Simplify" at the top of my office bulletin board, and I've never gotten around to doing it. This morning it came to me in a flash that in order to get out from under frustration and feeling overwhelmed, I MUST simplify. I started visualizing throwing out stuff, just dumping it in trash bags and taking it to the trash container, and it felt so good. Not just material stuff, you understand, but also thoughts and attitudes and ideas.
I've always wanted to be a Renaissance Woman, who could know about everything and do everything well. Well, guess what...that sure never happened. A couple of years ago I ran across the term "information addict" on a website to help women organize their lives and homes. I knew at the time that I was suffering from that addiction. I want every book, every pattern, every article, on so many subjects that we can hardly make it through the office anymore. When in the world did I think I'd ever have the time to make all those needlepoints, and quilts, and gardens. With age and moving slower I have felt more and more will I ever be able to get everything done that needs to be done.

Maybe all the stuff I thought I "needed" to do, didn't really need to be done. So now I am relaxing, and hopefully healing, in peace and quiet, while thinking about priorities and what is it that I really want to do with the rest of my life?. What is really important? Maybe, it's OK to ask for and receive a little assistance. Maybe I don't have to do it all myself. Maybe some of it doesn't need to be done.

I even have assistance in my musing. In addition to ChoCho and Ditto I now have Tigger, who came to dinner and decided to stay. They take turns laying on my lap and letting me pet them as I must. Of course, Tigger still gets hisses and growls from the other 2, but they will accept him soon, I'm sure. ChoCho didn't like Ditto very well when he first adopted us, but they have a great time together now. Joe says that the cats must leave marks or signs on the property like the hobos did in the old days to show where food was available. How else do they all find us? But I've decided that I must put out "I love and care for cats" pheromones that attract hungry and lonely cats.

It is my goal to become this relaxed and happy! Tigger is a good role model.


allie aller said...

Oh Fran, we all should muse the way you are...we need to step back often and ask ourselves "Why am I here?" and "What is most important in my life?"
Usually it takes a little cosmic bump to remind us to do this, though...;-)

But peace always comes when we look enjoy your musings, your rest, and those beautiful cats!

Samantha said...

First off- happy belated birthday, which I share with you as my wedding anniversary!

Second, I'm seending simplfy-vibes your way!

Micki said...

Happy belated Birthday. You deserve to relax and take it easy.

Barbara C said...

Happy birthday Fran! Your cats are giving you the right inspiration: relax, enjoy, sped time with people who love you.

Rian said...

Don't Worry, Be Happy. A simple life is best.

I see those cats are keeping a respectable distance from each other.

Happy belated birthday.

Debra Dixon said...

My dear Fran, I am in the same mood of simplifying around here too. And some reorganizing. I opened cabinets and said, "Hey, why am I storing this and taking up valuable space when I need it for something else?" My pile for the thrift store is growing by leaps and bounds.

You'll get there--whereever There is. . . Happy Birthday!

Quiltgal said...

Fran, I am with you I think I would be a lot happier if I could just declutter and simplfy both my belongings, my thoughts and my "mental must do do before I leave this planet list". Now if I could only figure out a way to get started on that. Happy Birthday!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Belated happy birthday, Fran. Sorry I missed it. And so sorry to hear about your cousin. I'll pray for him.
Would that we could all learn to relax like cats, huh?

Sandra said...

Oh yes, cats definitely put out 'free meal' signs for others. Our sign was out for years - until we got our 2 dogs - then I guess the sign was changed to 'beware of dogs' even though they really don't mind cats at all. No strays lately!
Cats are really wonderful creatures though.

Deborah M. said...

Dear Fran, interestingly I have been thinking along the same lines: trying to do to much, overcommitting then feeling let down when I can't get it all done. Hoarding, unable to let go of stuff. I've been thinking about simplifing and focusing, too. Maybe it's getting older. Happy birthday by the way and I'm glad you seem to be feeling better. I enjoy reading your thoughtful posts.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I missed this thoughtful post, Fran. You make some very sharp insights as to information addiction. I often pack away things for my "golden years" when "I'll have the time to truly explore it." I've finally realized now IS the golden years, and if I ain't got time for it now, I never will. It's tough to be ruthless, but I'm always impressed by how free those clutterers on the decluttering tv shows feel after the purge. I'm trying it in my own small steps. Thanks for the encouragement.