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Monday, February 4, 2008

Duct Tape Bubba Saves the day

that's the name used by the nurse who applied my splint; he's from Georgia. he told duct tape Joe that he could use a tube sock to hold the splint when it no longer needed to be held as firmly as the elastic bandage. Luckily Joe had just cleaned out his sock drawer and had a sack full of holey (not holy) white tube socks saved to use as rags in the shop.

You can see from the second and third photos why we had to get my rings cut off yesterday morning. I woke up with an extremely tight splint and discovered that my fingers had turned into very fat sausages. After sitting in the ER waiting room for 45 minutes with no one even welcoming us, we decided that it would probably be faster and considerably cheaper to have our jeweler do the cutting. he didn't even charge for the cutting, we'll only have to pay to have them repaired so i can wear them again after the swelling goes down.

I'm happy to report that I can use the hand a bit more but still can't close the fingers or grip anything. i also don't wish to bend my wrist. Today i am having more trouble with pulled muscles, or something, on the ribs on my left side and with my back. i told joe that i am having twinges on top of my twinges.

I am learning that i don't take well to losing my independence. i am also learning that even tho i am not an avid housekeeper, i do a lot more of it unconsciously thru the day than i realized. it's amazing how fast every thing goes to pot when i'm not walking around picking up, thowing away, wiping, and generally tidying thru the day. grrrrrrrr! i am trying (in more ways than one) to remember to have an attitude of gratitude and praise, rather than grumbling, but it shore don't come natural!

I do remember archy and mehitabel, but am less graceful than they were at typing.

debra thinks that i need to keep my swollen ankles higher than my heart, as well as my hand.
now 17 year old Mandy can put her ankles up around her neck, but i sure can't! i'll have to find another remedy.


Deborah M. said...

ouch. However, yet another use for duct tape!

Deborah M. said...

Oh wait. He didn't actually *use* duct tape. I guess I should have said, yet another use for tube socks. ;-)

Rian said...

Oooh. Ouch. That looks mighty uncomfortable. Isn't it amazing how much we "do around here" without realizing it. When I'm down, say for a migraine, the place becomes a wreck in short order.

Joe's socks to the rescue! At least he can find 'em...

jenclair said...

Girl, you really took a beating on that hand! And sounds as if the rest of you is going through the "third day" sore muscle phenomenon.

Dorothy said...

Day 3 is always hellacious, relax, relax, relax. It's easier from here on out. (And to get your feet higher than your heart, lie down with a pillow or 3 under your feet.)

Debra Dixon said...

Oh, ow! but thanks for keeping us posted! Hang in there!

McIrish Annie said...

when I opened to your blog and saw the sling, I knew that couldn't be good news! I am soo sorry to hear about your fall! I'm like you, not very good at giving up control, but you need to take it easy! Hope you are back to two handed typing soon...

DebbyMc said...

Oh yowchhhhhhh~ That is going to be such a rainbow soon..-( Poor Fran, take it easy!!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I'm just gonna pray for you. That's all I have to say to all this. Oh, and be careful, OK?

Quiltgal said...

OOooooouuuuccch! Take care and make sure hubby waits on you hand and food, :)

His Office, My Studio said...

Sending hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery!!

Samantha said...

Take care of you!!!! Oh, ow ow owwwww!

Sherri said...

I remember Archy and Mehitabel! You're the only person I've ever come across to mention them! Glad your hand's getting better, typing one-handed is time consuming and requires more thinking, but wotthehell.